Everest Weekly Round Up

Everest Weekly Round Up



We’re back at Base Camp! During the first rotation we spent three nights at C1, and set up the infrastructure for our new C2, in an incredible place a little higher than the rest of C2. The camp is in an incredible location with extraordinary views, as well as perfectly flat, with a nearby stream of clear clean water. We prepared the area and left the tents ready to be erected when we make our next rotation. The next day our plan was to go to sleep at C2 but weather conditions were not good at all (strong gusts of wind mixed with considerable snowfall) so we decided to go down to the EBC. It was a good decision as during this storm in C2 many of the tents that had already been erected got broken and overnight we had a snowfall of 15 cm down in basecamp. The group arrived very well, tired which is normal, but happy to be at the base to rest and replenish energies for the next rotation. These last two days there was no movement in the icefall, so we have decided that tomorrow will likely be a day of intense traffic. We are waiting to make a decision about when to depart for the second rotation according to the traffic we see tomorrow. The group is well, which is fantastic news as, as always, many people are sick with the usual coughs and colds that affect us all at EBC.

Thanks to UIAGM guide Kike Clausen 5.5.19

En la primer rotación pasamos tres noches en C1, tocamos nuestro nuevo C2 , un lugar increible empezando por la vista ya que esta un poco mas elevado q el resto de C2.  El lugar del campamento es  plano,limpio y tambien corre un arroyo de agua clara, y limpia.

Al dia siguiente el plan era subir a dormir al C2 pero las condiciones del tiempo no eran para nada  buenas ( Rafagas de viento muy fuertes mezclado con una nevada) por lo que decidimos bajar al EBC.

Fue una buena decisión ya que en C2 se rompieron muchas carpas de otras empresas y por la noche tuvimos una nevada de 15 cm en el base.

Los clientes llegaron muy bien, cansados que es normal, pero contentos de estar en el base para poder descansar y reponer energias para la proxima rotacion.

Estos dos ultimos dias no hubo movimiento en la cascada, por lo que dedicimos q mañana sera un dia de tráfico intenso. Vamos tomando la decisión de cuando a la segunda rotacion segun el trafico que vemos mañana.

El grupo se encuentra bien, una muy buena noticia ya que en el base se corre la noticia que muchas personas estan enfermas.

Gracias a guia UIAGM Kike Clausen  5.5.19